Technical Details

Tiles Technical Specifications

SR. NO. Characteristics Standard As Per ISO 13006:2018 / EN14411 Gr.Bia Method Of Testing Mean Value Of Sonex
Regulatory Properties
1 Deviation in Length and Width ± 0.30% (±1.00 mm) ISO 10545-2/IS 13630-1 ± 0.10 %
2 Deviation in Thickness ± 5.0% (±0.50 mm) ISO 10545-2/IS 13630-1 ± 3.0 %
3 Straightness in Side ± 0.30% (±0.80 mm) ISO 10545-2/IS 13630-1 ± 0.10 %
4 Rectangularity ± 0.30% (±1.50 mm) ISO 10545-2/IS 13630-1 ± 0.10 %
5 Surface Flatness Central Curvature ±0.40% (±1.80 mm) ISO 10545-2/IS 13630-1 ± 0.20 %
6 Surface Flatness Edge Curvature ±0.40% (±1.80 mm) ISO 10545-2/IS 13630-1 ± 0.20
7 Surface Flatness Warpage ±0.40% (±1.80 mm) ISO 10545-2/IS 13630-1 ± 0.10 %
8 Surface Quality >95% Defects Free ISO 10545-2/IS 13630-1 > 95 % defects Free
9 Glossiness (Polished) As Per Manufacturer Gloss Meter 60° ≥ 90
Structural Properties
10 Water Absorption < 0.50 % ISO 10545-3/IS 13630-2 ≤ 0.060 %
11 Bulk Density As per Manufacturer ISO 10545-3/IS 13630-2 > 2.28 gm/cc
Massive Mechanical Properties
12 Modulus of Rupture Min. 35.0 N/mm² ISO 10545-4/IS 13630-6 Min 37.0 N/mm²
13 Breaking Strength Thickness 7.5mm Min 1300.0 N ISO 10545-4/IS 13630-6 Min 1500.0 N
Surface Mechanical Properties
14 MOH'S Hardness As per Manufacturer IS 13630-13 ≤ 6
Thermal Hygrometric Properties
15 Thermal Expansion (COE) at 100° C As per Manufacturer ISO 10545-8/IS 13630-4 Max 6.0 x 10-6
16 Thermal Shock Resistance Min 10 Cycle ISO 10545-9/IS 13630-5 Min 10 Cycle
17 Impact Resistance (COR) Min. 0.55 ISO 10545-5/IS 13630-14 Min 0.55
18 Frost Resistance As per Manufacturer ISO 10545-12/IS 13630-10 Need to comply with the standard
19 Crazing Resistance At 7.5 bar 4 Cycle ISO 10545-1 1/IS 13630-9 4 cycle
Chemical Properties
20 Resistance to Staining Glazed Min. Class 3 ISO 10545-14/IS 13630-8 Min Class 4/Min Class 1
21 Resistance to Household Chemicals Min Class GB ISO 10545-13/IS 13630-8 Min Class GB/Min Class AA
& Swimming Pool Salts Glazed
22 Resistance to Low Concentrate Acid and Alkalis Glazed As per Manufacturer ISO 10545-13/IS 13630-8 Min Class GLB***/ Min Class A* **
23 Resistance to High Concentrate Acid and Alkalis Glazed As per Manufacturer ISO 10545-13/IS 13630-7 Min Class GHB***/ Min Class A* **